Screenshot of the Algolia documentation home page. A fixed sidebar lists the various guides. Call-to-actions in the hero section invite the user to try an interactive tutorial or learn more about Algolia.
Tailwind CSS

Algolia 文档

Algolia 搜索和发现平台的文档网站。

借助 Algolia 的搜索和发现平台,您可以在自己的产品中构建强大的搜索体验。Algolia 的开发者文档是出色的开发者体验的示例,并且使用 Tailwind CSS 构建。

A screenshot of the Algolia documentation site with the search modal overlay active. The user has searched for the 'filter' keyword and the results are listed on the left of the modal. On the right side more information about the selected result is displayed.
一个大型搜索字段和结果列表,通过点击 ⌘ + k 触发,当然,由 Algolia 提供支持。
A mobile screenshot of the Algolia documentation home page. A header contains a 'menu' button and a 'search' button. Call-to-actions in the hero section invite the user to try an interactive tutorial or learn more about Algolia.
A mobile screenshot of the Algolia documentation navigation. The navigation covers the whole screen and lists the various guides. A 'close' button can be seen in the upper right corner of the screen.
A mobile screenshot of the Algolia documentation search modal. The user has searched for the 'filter' keyword and the results are listed below the search input. The active result is highlighted in blue.
Algolia 文档主页和移动设备上的导航。
A screenshot of the 'Test your installation' page of the Algolia documentation website. A fixed sidebar lists the various pages within the 'PHP API Client' documentation. An additional sidebar lists the sections of the current page. In the main article a PHP code example is shown following a short introduction.