Screenshot of the Column home page. A header displays the Column logo, the main site navigation, and buttons to 'Log in' or 'Sign up'. The hero section contains an image of the Column dashboard, along with an example of using 'curl' with the Column API. Call-to-action buttons invite the user to 'Start building' or 'Read documentation'.
Tailwind CSS、Gatsby、React


Column 是一家为开发者打造的银行。作为美国唯一一家全国性特许开发者基础设施银行,Column 允许开发者和建设者创建新的金融产品。Column 网站基于 Gatsby 并使用 Tailwind CSS。

Screenshot of the 'Financial services as code' section of the Column website. A paragraph on the left side of the screen explains the pain points that Column addresses, while the right side shows an illustration of financial service complexity 'before Column'.
功能区,包含一些文字和一个图示,说明 Column 的堆栈。
Screenshot of the 'Why Column' section of the Column website. The section explains how Column is different, with information arranged in three columns.
使用 Column 的三个理由,以三列网格形式呈现。
Mobile screenshot of the Column home page. A header contains the Column logo and a 'Menu' button. The hero section contains an example of using 'curl' with the Column API. Call-to-action buttons invite the user to 'Start building' or 'Read documentation'.
Mobile screenshot of a list of products on the Column website. The list contains items such as 'Book Transfers' and 'Bank Accounts', along with stylized icons and short descriptions of each.
Mobile screenshot of the Column website's main navigation. The navigation overlay covers most of the screen and lists the sites pages in groups such as 'Products' and 'Developers'. There is a close button in the upper right corner of the navigation overlay.
Column 网站和移动设备上的导航体验。
Screenshot of the 'ACH' page of the Column website. A header displays the Column logo, the main site navigation, and buttons to 'Log in' or 'Sign up'. The 'Products' navigation item is selected and a popover underneath the item lists the products in three columns. Each sub-item has a short description and a stylized icon.
一个大型弹出菜单,显示 Column 提供的不同产品。
Screenshot of a 'More products' section on the Column website. The section lists products in blocks arranged in three columns. Each block contains the product name, a short description, a stylized icon, and a 'Learn more' button.
功能区,以网格视图展示 Column 的一些产品。