Screenshot of the .NET website hero. To the right is an illustration of something that looks like an "application" split into different layers, all in purple and pink colors. To the left is a headline saying "Build any app with.NET" and eyebrow text above saying "Free. Cross-platform. Open source." Below is a paragraph describing .NET with two buttons: "Download" and "Get started."
Tailwind CSS

Microsoft .NET

Microsoft .NET 软件生态系统的营销网站。

.NET 是 Microsoft 的跨平台软件框架,用于构建桌面、移动和基于 Web 的应用程序、云服务等等。.NET 的营销网站使用 Tailwind CSS 构建。

Screenshot of a large card with some text promoting the .NET community with a button saying "Get connected." Three large numbers are presented in a blue-purple gradient showing GitHub stars, Twitter followers, and Meetup members.
大型卡片介绍 .NET 开发者社区,重点介绍一些关键指标。
Screenshot of the .NET Multi-platform App UI page hero. To the right is an illustration of a laptop, tablet, and smartphone. To the left is a headline saying ".NET Multi-platform App UI." Below is a paragraph describing the framework with two buttons: "Get started" and "Read docs." Below the hero is a three-column grid highlighting three features of the framework, each with an illustration shown above the text.
.NET 多平台应用程序 UI 页面上的英雄,它是 .NET 生态系统中的一个框架。
The .NET website hero shown on a 375px wide mobile screen.
Feature section with a headline, some text, and an illustration above, shown on a 375px wide mobile device.
List of cards shown on a 375px wide mobile device.
移动设备上的 .NET 网站体验。
Screenshot of two sections with a headline and grid of cards below it. The first is a three-column grid, and the cards have a blue-purple-red background gradient across all three rows. The second is a four-column grid where each card has a white background with a red, purple, or pink border. Each card has a little icon above the title.
主页展示了大型 .NET 生态系统的许多部分 - 这里以三列和四列网格的形式呈现为卡片。
Screenshot of the footer section. The first part features some notable logos, such as the Chipotle logo, text to back up who uses .NET, and a link to read customer stories. Below is a full-width card with a blue-purple background gradient, a headline saying "Ready to get started?", some text about learning .NET, and a button saying "Get started."
在页面底部,号召性用语是开始学习 .NET。