Screenshot from the animated introduction to the KeepGrading website.
Tailwind CSS、Nuxt、Vue



KeepGrading 是一家专注于调色的后期制作工作室。KeepGrading 位于法国巴黎,与全球一些最大的品牌和艺术家合作。KeepGrading 网站基于 Nuxt 并使用 Tailwind CSS。

Screenshot of the 'Work' page on the KeepGrading website. At the top of the screen is the KeepGrading logo, a menu button, and the 'Work' page heading. There are two dropdowns labelled 'Type' and 'Colourist', followed by a grid of images.
KeepGrading 网站上的作品页面,展示了过去的项目,可按类型和调色师进行筛选。
Screenshot of the KeepGrading home page. The KeepGrading logo and menu button appear at the top of the screen. The screen is mostly black, with a series of images scattered around the page. There is a 'Show me more' button at the bottom of the screen.
Mobile screenshot of the 'Colourists' page of the KeepGrading website. The header contains the KeepGrading logo and a menu button. The colourists are listed with their roles and location, with background images showcasing their work.
Mobile screenshot of the KeepGrading website's main navigation. The header contains the KeepGrading logo and a close button. The pages are listed in large text in the center of the screen. Additional buttons labelled 'Contact' and 'Instagram' sit at the bottom of the screen.
Mobile screenshot of the 'Work' page on the KeepGrading website. At the top of the screen is the KeepGrading logo, a menu button, and the 'Work' page heading. There are two dropdowns labelled 'Type' and 'Colourist', followed by a grid of images.
KeepGrading 网站在移动设备上的体验。
Screenshot of the KeepGrading website's main navigation. The header contains the KeepGrading logo and a close button. The pages are listed in large text in the center of the screen. Additional buttons labelled 'Contact' and 'Instagram' sit at the top of the screen.
Screenshot of the 'Work' page on the KeepGrading website. A fixed header contains the KeepGrading logo, and a menu button. A grid of images is below, with rows containing one, two, or three images.
在作品页面上,KeepGrading 徽标和菜单按钮在您滚动页面时保持固定。