Screenshot of the Laracon Online website. The header contains the main site navigation. Below that is the Laracon Online logo and a large detailed illustration of a fantastical make believe city.
Tailwind CSS、Laravel、Alpine.js

Laracon 在线


Laracon 在线是 Laravel 开发者大会 Laracon 的在线版本。我们强烈怀疑该网站是基于 Laravel 构建的,并且还使用了 Alpine.js 和 Tailwind CSS。

Screenshot of the 'Speakers' section of the Laracon Online website. The conference speakers' names are displayed in a grid along with a circular headshot and their job role.
Laracon 在线网站上的演讲者部分。
Mobile screenshot of the 'About' section of the Laracon Online website. At the top of the page is the Laracon Online logo and a detailed illustration of a fantastical make believe city. The section explains what Laracon Online is, followed by an embedded YouTube video.
Mobile screenshot of the 'Pre-Party' section of the Laracon Online website. The section contains an embedded YouTube video and a large 'Set a reminder' button. At the bottom of the screen is a stylized illustration of the creators of the website.
Mobile screenshot of the 'Schedule' section of the Laracon Online website. The conference schedule is listed with start times on the left and titles and speakers on the right.
Laracon 在线网站在移动设备上的体验,包括会议日程的呈现方式。
Screenshot of the footer of the Laracon Online website. There is a stylized illustration of the creators of the website, followed by a 'Tweet them a cherry' button. Below is a detailed illustration of a fantastical make believe city and site copyright notices.