Screenshot of the Home screen in the Lemon Squeezy app. To the left is a menu showing the different areas of the app, and to the center and right is a dashboard with charts relating to the Lemon Squeezy store being demoed here. Charts can be filtered by date. For each chart, three’s a purple line for the selected period and a pink line for the previous period. Above each chart is the current value for the shown metric and below, in grey, is the metric of the previous period. A badge next to the metric shows the percentage change in green for a positive change and red for a negative change. Hovering the chart shows the metrics at that specific time in a little card.
Tailwind CSS、Laravel、Vue

Lemon Squeezy


Lemon Squeezy 是一个面向软件企业的全方位平台,涵盖支付、订阅、税务合规、数字下载、许可、电子邮件营销以及其他一些功能。Lemon Squeezy 应用程序使用 Laravel、Vue 和 Tailwind CSS 构建。

Screenshot of the login screen for the Lemon Squeezy app. The screen is split in two, 50/50. To the left is a login form and buttons to sign in with Google and Twitter. To the right is a colorful background with the familiar Lemon Squeezy color patterns of drops and circles. In the middle of the section is a testimonial from a Lemon Squeezy customer.
Lemon Squeezy 应用程序的登录屏幕,右侧显示旋转的推荐语。
Screenshot of the Lemon Squeezy store designer. To the left is a sidebar menu with various settings for the store that can be toggled on/off. To the center and right is a live view of what the store looks like embedded in a fake browser window. There are also buttons to preview and publish changes.
Lemon Squeezy 商店设计器,您可以在其中配置托管的店面。
Screenshots of a demo store on Lemon Squeezy. At the top are a header image and store logo. Below the header are the store name and a subtitle. Below the title is an email capture with a subscribe button. Finally, there’s a 3-column grid listing the products.
一个示例 Lemon Squeezy 托管商店,包含电子邮件捕获和产品列表。
Screenshot of the Home dashboard on a 375-pixel wide mobile device. The menu is collapsed and can be expanded by clicking the sandwich icon. The charts are listed in a single column on the narrow screen.
Screenshot of the Products page with a list of products on a 375-pixel wide mobile device. Products are listed in a table with basic information and revenue metrics. The table can be scrolled sideways as it doesn’t fit in the viewport.
Screenshot of a Lemon Squeezy demo store on a 375-pixel wide mobile device — the only difference between the mobile and desktop versions is that products are shown in a single column on the narrow screen.
Lemon Squeezy 应用程序和商店体验在 375 像素宽的移动设备上的显示效果。
Screenshots of the Products page with a table view of products with basic information and revenue metrics. Above the table is a search field to filter the products. To the left is a sidebar menu with the Store section expanded and Products being the active page.
Lemon Squeezy 应用程序中产品的表格视图,包括每个产品的基本销售和收入指标。
Screenshot of the Integrations page, a subpage under Settings, in Lemon Squeezy. There’s a list of 3 apps, Mailchimp, ConvertKit, and Zapier, and the Mailchimp app is marked as “Connected.” Above the list is a horizontal menu showing the different settings pages. To the left is a sidebar menu with the Settings section expanded and Integrations being the active page.
集成设置页面,显示可连接到 Lemon Squeezy 的应用程序列表。