Screenshot of the Modern Treasury home page. The header contains the Modern Treasury logo, main site navigation,'log in' and 'sign up' buttons, and a search button. The hero section contains an intro paragraph and buttons inviting the user to 'Talk to a Payments Advisor' or 'Start building'.
Tailwind CSS、Next.js、React


为现代科技公司提供资金流动 API。

现代财务提供各种支付操作 API,允许客户在不进行繁重操作的情况下,将资金流动和跟踪功能添加到其产品中。现代财务网站是一个使用 Tailwind CSS 构建的 Next.js 应用程序。

Screenshot of the 'Made for developers' section of the Modern Treasury home page. After an introduction paragraph the section lists the features of the Modern Treasury API on the left of the screen. On the right is an example cURL command which can be used to make an API request.
一个展示现代财务 API 的功能部分。点击每个用例将加载不同的代码片段。
Screenshot of the Modern Treasury website. The header contains the Modern Treasury logo, main site navigation,'log in' and 'sign up' buttons, and a search button. The visible section contains information about 'Automatic Reconciliation' and 'Counterparties', and includes an illustration representing each.
Mobile screenshot of the Modern Treasury home page. The header contains the Modern Treasury logo and a menu button. The hero section contains an intro paragraph and buttons inviting the user to 'Talk to a Payments Advisor' or 'Start building'.
Mobile screenshot of the Modern Treasury 'Pricing' page. The 'Startup' plan can be seen and its features are listed with check marks beside them. At the bottom there is a 'Request a demo' button.
Mobile screenshot of the Modern Treasury site navigation. The navigation sits on top of the website content and lists the main pages. Some of the list items contain a 'plus' icon suggesting that they are sections that can be expanded.
Screenshot of the 'Payments' section on the Modern Treasury website. The section explains the features of the Modern Treasury payments APIs, and has calls-to-action to 'Request a demo', 'Talk to sales', and 'Compare Plans'.
Screenshot of the 'Use Cases' section of the Modern Treasury website. The header contains the Modern Treasury logo, main site navigation,'log in' and 'sign up' buttons, and a search button. The main part of the page contains a list of use cases in a grid layout with four columns and two rows. Each item has an icon, a title, and a short description.