Screenshot of the Primer Tailwind UI template. The visible section has an image of the book cover on the left side. On the right is a reader testimonial with a five star rating. The page heading and introduction paragraph are followed by call-to-action buttons labelled 'Get sample chapter' and 'Buy book'.
Tailwind CSS、Next.js、React



Primer 是一个使用 Tailwind CSS 和 Next.js 构建的精美信息产品模板,由 Tailwind CSS 团队设计和构建。它已准备好投入生产,并且易于定制,使其成为您自己的信息产品网站的完美起点。

将此模板用于您自己的网站 →

Screenshot of the 'Resources' section of the Primer Tailwind UI template. Across the top of the screen is a list of page sections in a row. The 'Resources' section is highlighted. Below is the resources section itself, with a small title and a pair of introduction paragraphs. Underneath is a row of resources with three columns. Each resource has an image, title, and short description.
Mobile screenshot of the Primer Tailwind UI template. At the top is an image of a book cover. Underneath is a reader testimonial with a five star rating.
Mobile screenshot of the 'Table of contents' section of the Primer Tailwind UI template. At the top of the screen is a dropdown displaying the current section, in this case 'Contents'. After some introduction text the chapters are listed with their page numbers.
Mobile screenshot of the Primer Tailwind UI template. At the top of the screen is a dropdown displaying the current section, in this case 'Resources'. The visible section contains a form to sign up for free chapters. There is an email address field and a submit button labelled 'Get free chapters'.
Primer 模板在移动设备上的体验。
Screenshot of the 'Pricing' section of the Primer Tailwind UI template. Across the top of the screen is a list of page sections in a row. The 'Pricing' section is highlighted. Below is the pricing section itself, with the two plans arranged side-by-side. Each plan has a price, name, summary, features list, and 'Get started' button.
Screenshot of the 'Author' section of the Primer Tailwind UI template. Across the top of the screen is a list of page sections in a row. The 'Author' section is highlighted. Below is the author section itself, with a circular photograph of the author and some text written in first person.