Screenshot of the Wealthfront home page. The header contains the Wealthfront logo, main site navigation, and 'Log in' and 'Get started' buttons. The hero section has a screenshot of the Wealthfront mobile app on the right side, and some introduction text on the left. Below the text is a 'Get started' call-to-action. Along the bottom of the screen are statistics such as number of clients and App Store rating.
Tailwind CSS、Next.js、React



Wealthfront 提供各种自动化投资产品,例如智能投顾和储蓄账户。Wealthfront 网站是一个 Next.js 应用程序,使用 Tailwind CSS 构建。

Screenshot of the Wealthfront website. On the left side of the screen is a screenshot of the Wealthfront mobile app. On the right is some information text and a list of features, followed by a 'Start saving' call-to-action button.
展示 Wealthfront 储蓄产品的部分,包含应用程序截图以及有关功能和定价的信息。
Screenshot of the Wealthfront website. On the right side of the screen is a screenshot of the Wealthfront mobile app. On the left is some information text, followed by a 'Get started' call-to-action button. Along the bottom of the screen are statistics such as number of clients and App Store rating.
展示 Wealthfront 投资产品的部分,突出显示一些核心指标和社会证明。
Mobile screenshot of the Wealthfront website. The header contains the Wealthfront logo and a menu button. At the top of the screen is a screenshot of the Wealthfront mobile app. Underneath is some information text followed by a 'Get started' call-to-action button.
Mobile screenshot of the Wealthfront website. The visible section contains some information text followed by a flowchart illustration showing how a deposit may be allocated.
Mobile screenshot of an 'Invest' dropdown on the Wealthfront website. The dropdown lists site page relating to investments. The first two page links are accompanied by detailed illustrations and short descriptions.
Wealthfront 网站在移动设备上的体验,包括网站菜单的外观。
Screenshot of the Wealthfront website. The visible section contains a large heading and an information paragraph related to borrowing. There is a background image of a dog sticking its head out of a car window. Underneath is a 'Start Borrowing' call-to-action button.
展示 Wealthfront 信贷产品的部分。
Screenshot of the Wealthfront website. The visible section contains a detailed illustration of a watering can being used to water a plant in a pot. There is a heading and short informtation paragraph followed by a 'Get started' call-to-action button.
主页底部有一个号召性用语,引导用户注册 Wealthfront 账户。